I dag gikk denne snuseleken ett hakk videre. Jeg klødde på Santee, og når Lita kom nær nok klødde jeg henne også. Santee strakk mulen fram og begynte å klø på henne. Hun pep fornærmet - sette tennene i meg på den måte, frekkas - og løp avgårde. Like raskt var hun tilbake igjen, og da sto de, mule mot mule, og hilste og følltygget lenge nok til at jeg trodde jeg skulle rekke å ta et bilde. Men nei, i det jeg hadde fått opp kameraet løp de bort til sine respektive mødre. En liten stund etter kom Santee bort for å få litt kløhjelp, mens han sto der på tre ben og balanserte som best han kunne kom Lita tuslende. Jeg rygget unna og fikk naturligvis knipset øyeblikket før og etter at de hilste. Lita løp unna, Santee fulgte etter og de hoppet og spratt sammen før de skilte lag og gikk tilbake til mammaene. Slik holdt de på lenge. Hilse såvidt, løpe sammen, skille lag. Hilse såvidt, løpe sammen, skille lag. Første gang så det kanskje litt ut som om Santee jaget på Lita, men det ble raskt klart at dette var lek. Og om ikke mammahestene var helt fornøyde, var de i hvert fall ikke sure nok til å avbryte noe...
Lita and Santee are very curious about eachother. But none of the mums allow any form of fraternizing, except for them standing, sleeping or playing near eachother. But when I'm in the field they use me as a shield. If I'm busy with Santee, Lita will sneak close, say hi to me and then sniff and inspect him. And Santee will do the same, depending on how close Kamila is (he has a lot of respect for her!)
Today things progressed a little. I was scratching Santee, and when Lita got close enough I scratched her too. They were so close that Santee leaned in to scratch her too. Lita squealed and ran off, but was back just as quickly, and they ended up muzzle to muzzle, sniffing and foal-chewing. They stood like that for so long I thought I might even have time to snap a photo, but by the time the camera was up they were off for a time out with their respective mothers. After a while Santee returned to me, and when he was busy balancing on three legs and scratching his back Lita reappeared. I backed off and managed to capture the moment before and after they said hello. Lita ran off, Santee followed her and they did a bit of a skip and jump before returning to their mums. And they did this for a while. Santee standing still while Lita got close, Lita running off with Santee "in pursuit", separating. Meeting back up etc. At first it may have looked as if Santee was chasing Lita, but it was soon apparent that this was a game. And even though Kamila and Sioux weren't thrilled, they couldn't quite be bothered to break it up...
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