Saturday 27 September 2014

Biloxi møter Milli

Biloxi skal stå sammen med quarterhoppene Cindy og Milli, og etterhvert også en Oldenburger. I dag var bare Milli på plass, og de hadde en heller udramatisk førstedate. Biloxi tøffet seg og pep. Milli var passe imponert. Biloxi fornøyd. Lett som en plett.

Biloxi is to be turned out with two quarter mares, Cindy and Milly, and within the next month they'll be joined by an Oldenburger as well. Today only Milli was here, and they had a rather uneventful first "date". Biloxi acted up. Milly was impressed. Biloxi was pleased. Done deal.

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