Monday, 8 September 2014

Brødrene sammen på Sollihøgda

Åh, nei, det er HAM!
Santee tror fortsatt han kan skremme storebror, og Biloxi får helt fnatt av den flekkete masekoppen. Det blir ingen slossing eller annet drama, men det pipes, Flekkulf tøffer seg alt han bare makter, og Biloxi snur resolutt rumpa til og sier NEI til alt av hilsing. Ja, ja, vi får ta tiden til hjelp...

Oh, no, it's HIM!
Santee still thinks he can scare his big brother, and Biloxi finds his little brother so bothersome he can't even... There's no fighting or drama, but there's squealing, with Santee trying to look as tough as he can, and Biloxi just showing him his hindquarters and refusing to say hello. This is going to take some time...

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