Sunday, 24 July 2011


Med været vi har i Norge er det like greit å venne hestene til paraplyer med det samme. Og det passet fint å starte i dag. Santee er naturlig nysgjerrig, men også forsiktig, så det er flott at Sioux er vant til paraplyer og alt det rare jeg gjør. Han gikk ikke innunder slik Biloxi (og lille Lita!) gjør, men når jeg slo den ned (men "løs") kunne jeg berøre ham med den, og han var grei og "bar" den litt for meg uten å bli redd.

With the kind of weather we get here in Norway it's a good thing if your horse is "brolly-proof", and so I thought today would be a good day to start. Santee is naturally curious, but also cautious. So it's very helpful that Sioux is as used to my antics as she is. Though he wouldn't step in under the brolly like his big brother (and little Lita!) does, he was happy to inspect it closely and have me rub a folded down version on his body. He even held it for me for a little while, without getting at all worried.

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