Og en stor takk til Irene som kom for å se på, og endte opp med å fange dette, for meg, store øyeblikket på bilde og film. En stor takk til Trine som virkelig evner å se hesten og jobbe med ham på en så tvers igjennom positiv måte!
After hanging across his back, scratching and fussing I hopped down. Then it was time to think more about actually mounting. And for those of you who despair that I'm not even able to lift my leg properly, but let it touch Biloxi's hindquarters, it's on purpose. I used my leg and foot to scratch his backside and tail, and he was plenty pleased with it. Then I put my leg all the way over, and SAT on his back. Biloxi moved one of his hind-legs to balance, but was otherwise relaxed. Trine was there to support us both, but I'd like to point out that we were both calm and happy at this point. I scratched, petted and fussed over him. Biloxi, being him, enjoyed it to the max, especially when I produced little pieces of carrot to feed him. Eating them was no problem, even with a bit in his mouth. BTW - Trine has swapped to a lovely Myler bit he really likes! Trine reminded me of little things I should and could do, such as relax completely and let my legs touch his stomach. Not too hard to do, as his belly is big and my legs long. But joking aside, Biloxi had someone sitting "properly" on his back for the very first time, and was absolutely cool with it. He was very aware of where I was (which is good), but not even remotely worried. He is exceptionally relaxed and confident, but the work Trine has put in makes this even safer and more fun for us all.
A big thank you to Irene who came to watch, and ended up capturing this, for me, amazing moment in pictures and film. And an even bigger thank you to Trine for her ability to really see Biloxi and work with him in such a thoroughly positive manner.
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